Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Problem with Typical Treatments

What would be the typical treatment of cardiovascular disease?

First they check the cholesterol.

To treat high cholesterol (over 200) they put you on cholesterol lowering drugs, which shut off your CoQ10.

What does CoQ10 do? It is involved in the energy production and protection of little energy furnaces in every cell, so energy production goes way down.

A common side effect of people who are on all these HMG co-enzyme reductase inhibitors is that their arms feel heavy. Well, the heart is a muscle too, and it's going to feel heavy too.

One of the best treatments for a weak heart is CoQ10 (for congestive heart failure). But doctors have no trouble shutting CoQ10 production off so that they can treat a number.

The common therapy for osteoporosis is drugs, and the common therapy for calaudication is surgery. For cancer reduction there is nothing.

But all of these have a common cause--the same cause as three major avenues of research in aging, one of which is called caloric restriction.

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